Contact Us — Dragon Martial Arts WA

Dragon Martial Arts WA

Dragon Martial Arts WA was Albany's first TaeKwonDo school and was established in 2006.  With over 300 member visits per week, we are a vibrant school, teaching all disciplines of TaeKwonDo, and providing students with opportunities to grow through Tournaments and regular Gradings.

Our Office

116 Lockyer Avenue
Centennial Park, WA, 6330


Contact Us

For any inquiries contact us here, we will receive an email with you name and message and get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively you can call us on 9842 9465.

Dragon Martial Arts WA Pty Ltd
ABN: 141 899 859 76
116 Lockyer Ave, Albany 6330 WA
Ph: 08 9842 9465 Mobile: 0418 902 099